The City of Canandaigua is applying for an ESDC Strategic Planning grant to assist the Greater Canandaigua Family YMCA with preparation of a feasibility study to upgrade their existing historic building and evaluate options for a potential addition. Cost estimates and specifications will be developed for each component. The project benefits a community anchor in the City of Canandaigua. The YMCA is one of the largest employers in the City and County, it provides services to all regardless of background or income, and it is the largest childcare facility in the region. Expected Outcomes/Benefits of project include: The project will define costs and feasibility so the YMCA can apply for capital grants to implement the project. Improvements and a potential expansion will help to strengthen the YMCA s long-term sustainability A historic building will be upgraded and preserved The project builds upon and complements downtown revitalization efforts. Most importantly, the project will be the first step in ensuring this key community anchor grows in the City of Canandaigua
Nome del programma:
ESD - Pianificazione strategica e studi di fattibilità